Do you want to write for The Yums?
We are not currently onboarding new writers or making paid assignments. We do accept guest reviews subject to the following guidelines.
Keep in mind:
- The guest review must be in our standard style and format, and a minimum of 700 words. Please read a few reviews on the site to gain a clear understanding of what works.
- We require one bright, clear, horizontally formatted photo with the review. The file size should be reasonable for web purposes and not so large as to slow down the loading of the page. High res is not desired, but the photo should be crisp, colorful, and make someone want to visit the restaurant. The photo should not be watermarked.
- Priority scheduling is given to those who can include a Pinterest graphic. We will create one if this is not your forte.
- Guest posts may include an author bio, with links to the author’s blog and social media profiles.
- The post should contain one link to the restaurant’s website.
- The photo should be appropriately titled, with description and alt tags.
Please note that reviews are not accepted from an owner, operator, or employee of the restaurant under review.